Sunday, February 24, 2008

long long time

So, it has been a LONG time since I have posted... I forgot the password, meant to reset it, been busy with life, work, family, etc...

Thi is a quick post to say HEY and that all is well. K. turns 3 next month. We are beginning to think about adding another babe to the fam. I am feeling well and ready to be preggers again! K. is old enough - and will be old enough - when another munchkin comes... Old enough to "help" and be a part of baby's life... So, that is all that' new. Work is good. Family is fun. We went to Disney World and had a blast! Please go when your kids are little!!!! They will remember bits and pieces, but you will remember every second of it. It is WONDERFUL!!!

That's all for now!!!

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