Monday, September 11, 2006

lots to tell...

First... it's Sept. 11th. It's been a sad day. I have had to drive a lot for work today, so I was listening to NPR. I don't listen to it often since K. yells when we aren't listening to music or singing... :) All day, people were sharing their stories about where they were on Sept. 11, 2001. I remember that day - and then just sitting in front of the televions and watching what happened over and over and over. Until I just had to shut it off. And now Bush is on tv again. If we had cable, we would change the channel. I guess we can just shut the tv off, but we can't. I don't want to hear it. He is so stupid and arrogant. And stupid.
There's my vent...

So, it's been a while since I have posted... and I actually have lots to tell. First... last Thursday was one of my work from home days. I did work! I am getting a lot done when I am at home - it's great! My sis-in-law asked if I could go over and take her puggle puppies out for a walk because she was going to be gone all day. So, we did - she lives nearby, K. likes the pups. I do too - they are cute, but I am not a puppy person. On our way over, K. was hungry, I was frazzeled, he was crying, so I WENT TO WENDY'S DRIVETHRU! I cannot believe that I did it. To make it worse, I got the KID'S MEAL with the toy. I have given him chicken nuggets a couple of times before... he has had about 2 french fries in his 17 months here, but I NEVER thought I would be getting food for my TODDLER at Wendy's or any other fast food place! I know that it is not the worst thing that I could do, but I am still in disbelief. I confessed to C. today. She just laughed at me. That was one of the things that I "lectured" her on before he was born - how we will not give him any fast food.
So, we get to Auntie's house and take the pups out for a walk. The pups squat and poop, and then K. squats and he starts pooping. It was quite a sight. I really wish that I had my camera for that. :)

Another thing that has happened since I have started working from home. On the ornings that K. is home with me, we have breakfast, and then we come into the living room and watch TV. WOW. I watch more tv now than I ever have! again, we do not have cable, so we are watching Sesame Street and Thomas the Train on PBS, which makes me feel a little bit better. BUT, after Sesame Street was over, they thanked McDonald's for contributing to their show!!!! I am filling my son with tv and fast food! AAAAHHHHHH!!!! Who have I become????? where did the progressive lesbian who i once was, go?????

i realize that if anyone else was telling me this story, i would say RELAX! a little bit is ok. and i believe that. i cannot keep k. away from the tv forever. and there is nothing wrong with the tv - i just don't want him to become a couch potato. same thing with fast food - a little bit is ok - and we make healthy choices - he drinks milk and had the yogurt instead of fries... i just did not expect to do those things before he was 2 years old.

motherhood can be tough sometimes. i really feel like i am being pulled in every direction... i guess that's why wendy's has a drive-thru. ;)

1 comment:

Holly said...

Lois has been through the kid thing before. When we have her girls or nieces/nephews over, we have a no fast food policy for the most part. However, as Lois has taught me, there comes a time in a busy day and a hungry child's life that you have to succumb once or twice in a long while.
We are not horrible people, right ?